Aaggggghhhh! Miles is 3!!! What a stupendous 3rd birthday Miles had!! First fireworks display on the 4th; birthday party on the 5th; and 'actual' birthday on the 6th - holy cow! I'm not sure we could have handled much more frivolity! Thank you Grandpa Charles for letting us par-tay at your place. We had a RI-diculously good time!

I don't think Miles could have been more excited than he was when we all sang HB to him.
Uh! Surprise Super Secret Mystery Guests - yea!!
Miles and Cousin Kevin.
BABY SAMUEL and Mom and Dad.
They have names too, but it's really immaterial to Miles.

Getting ready to 'flow' out the candles.

We might have lost an eyelash/eyebrow or two here but it's all good.

Why have one plate when you can have two?

Aunt Kristin and B. Paul.

Blake, poor thing, couldn't join us. She was in Europe, phfft.

Uncle CJ and Aunt Brooke.

Noah and Meggie.

Sweet keyboard.

Super sweet glove and OU hat.

Hangin' with m' peeps...er, cousin.
I know we missed some folks in pics (Dad, Karen, Cathy, Nana), but please know that we thank you so much for making Miles's third birthday as spectacular as his first and second!

Fly away Milesbean. But not too far.
We love you,
Mommy & Daddy
is that a robot cupcake-cake? very cool.
OH my goodness. That last picture of Miles in his underwear and cape is priceless. That will be shown to girlfriends in the future :)
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