Graduation Day 2006
Because I have been remiss in updating as frequently as promised, this posting is a whole lotta everything! Miles is doing great; a full-fledged walker at about 11 mos. and jibber-jabbering with the best of them. Dadadadadada has become the favored term for most everything but mixed in are lots of new sounds, combinations of sounds, and much more inflection than we've previously heard! We know that one of these days, words we're familiar with will accompany those fervent pronouncements and we'll know exactly what our little monkey has been saying all along...until then, he must be patient with us : )

'Twas very warm. Aaah shade, blessed shade.
Miles sporting a part.
Monkey hair.
Father's Day 2006.

Miles's first skinned knee : (
HE didn't even seem to notice but of course WE had to take a picture.
Please stay tuned for birthday pics early next month!! Holy cow!
CUTE, CUTE, CUTE!! I love your update! Cannot believe he is walking already! I know that is keeping you all really busy! What a sweet little guy :-)
I can't beliebe he is almost 1. Where does it go?!? Don't ask me because I am still in shock! What a cutie pie....
Look at my little nephew! He is so adorable, I can't stand it. :) He freakishly looks like B. Paul, Craig, a little bit Cameron and in the bath picture - Kristin! Wish we could be at the big #1 birthday party. Love you guys! Lynn and the Conroy Boys
What darling pics!! I especially love the monkey hair pic.
Skinned knees are just part of the territory once the walking begins.. so get ready for more!!
And congrats on the big graduation.. it seems like everyone has reached a big milestone lately on your blog!
oh my DEAR LORD!
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