MILES THROWS A PARTY! and lots of people come
Happy Birthday Baby/Toddler Miles! Wow, what a great birthday party you had, with family from far and wide and more gifts than we know what to do with! We'd like to thank Aunts Karen and Cathy for co-hosting the party and everyone for helping us celebrate Miles's first year on the 'outside'! Unfortunately, technical issues with Blogger have limited the number of pics I have been able to load in this post so I will hope to continue them in subsequent posts; there are lots of goodies!
Thursday was Miles's actual birthday so we took cupcakes to 'school' and of course, he wore his orange (go 'Pokes!) monkey shirt again (thanks Karen and Cathy!). Friday was not quite so fun as Miles had his 1 year check up - he's doing great, but he went in a little baby and came out a baby pin cushion--ouch! 5 sticks!! 2 in the arm to take blood (I had no idea they took it this way from babies), the first of which was a miss (you have to be kidding me), then another to actually draw the blood during which Miles moved of course because he is, after all, a BABY, so a big toe stick followed to collect the remaining blood needed to do an allergy screen and the required blood lead check, all topped off with a healthy dash of two immunizations in his left thigh! Can I just say, lordy?! Miles was a TROOPER, after the most pitiful crying you have ever heard, and I do mean me of course, and with nurses close to tears, blood was drawn, shots were given, and we were sent home with 5 colored bandages as testament to his valor. Whew! Thank gawd that's over for a few months......and now, party pics!
birthday invitation on his cake!

Perfect end to a perfect day.
Miles throws a heck of a party. Unfortunately, I may have to find an adult sized "Monkey Island" for CJ now.
Happy 1st Birthday Miles!!!
Happy Birthday Miles! Sorry the Conroy clan couldn't make it from Florida. You are too cute! Tell your mom and dad to come to Florida to visit your Aunt Lynnie and Cousin Cameron and Cousin Matthew! We love you!
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