Proud parents.

Aunt Jenny and Aunt Carrie w/proud mom. I know what you're thinking...where the heck is Miles? Miles was napping pre-party, and
everyone knows the sleeping baby rule : )

Doesn't get much cuter than these shirts the great aunties had made, nosiree!
Help from G. Aunt Jenny.

Miles being coy with Aunt Karen.

Quality time with Anders.
Love, love, love the pictures! How cute are those aunts with the t-shirts made up for the occasion. Miles is very lucky to have so many people obviously that adore him. The cake turned out fantastic. Looks like a good time was had by all!!
The pics are cute cute cute.. and I LOVE the t-shirts.. how clever!!!
I've been looking at your blog and it all looks okay to me. Especially with cute little monkey man Miles smiling in the pics!
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