Miles was fascinated with the farm equipment: the animals, not so much, as you can see in the above pic where he found the fence far more interesting than the small goat standing by....
Enjoying a cookie on the couch.
Hint of JoAnn in this one I think.
Where, oh WHERE did our baby go??!?! He looks 4 years old here!
And last but not least,
Miles's Love/Hate Relationship with the Activity Walker.
You've never seen a kid so excited to play with anything as Miles is to get his hands on this thing. The catch is, in the apartment, he could only push it a few feet without running into something, producing cries of despair the likes of which we'd never heard before! It caused such controversy, we had to put it away, out of sight! Long story longer, we had the great idea of taking Miles to the tennis courts to let him go hog wild with the darned thing, and go hog wild he did!
Just wanted to let you know how much I love that you are doing this. It it wonderful to be able to not only see updates of what Miles looks like, but also what he acts like, his interests, & his expressions. I look forward to seeing how much your website changes!!!
He is just so cute! I love the pictures of him. He looks so happy. You guys are keeping him busy!! Freedom at his age is intoxicating for sure!!! You can tell he is so excited about being on the court!
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