Although spring in Kansas City can still involve jackets and hats, we'll take 'er! It was a long, long, long, long, did I mention long? and cold, cold, cold, did I mention cold? winter. We had our grass cut for the first time today by the 12-year-old down the street. So nice to be in a neighborhood with yards and grass and trees and flowers, oh, and neighbors - I'd almost forgotten what they looked like! Anyhoo, it's great to see life return to this place - even the KC natives appeared to be getting restless with the tree-bark grayness of it all.
That's it, just Mil_es. The 'Letters Project' as it came to be known, was started in January and completed March 31, so any effort to perfect the spacing of these beasts was completely out of the question. The right angle of this picture actually disguises my less-than-perfect placement - it really does look like MIL ES in his room but we're just thrilled to have those dalgarned things up. Who knew?!?! Happy Spring.