

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Looking back, it's really impossible to refer to anything about Miles as 'bad' so we're going forward with something much more positive-sounding: Creative Hair Day : )

Post-nap hair.

Business in front; PaRtY in back.

Can't a kid eat in peace?! Jiminy schiminy!

Perhaps if I look away, she won't be able to see me either.

I no longer want any part of this.
This post-nap 'do had its finest moments later at the neighborhood Lowe's, a favorite hangout of ours (snicker). As we sped down the vast, open aisles with Miles 'driving' both steering wheels on the kiddie cart, the back of his hair almost took flight, proudly fanning out tall and wide to passersby. Waving with his hands would have been redundant. It was truly something to behold.

Saturday, March 17, 2007


There are lots of things to love in this world and PB ranks up there for me personally, and apparently the same is true of Monkey Miles. It started with him going to the cabinet at our house, locating the jar and bringing it to Mom or Dad to be fed spoonfuls. Then, on a visit to Nana and Papa's (Papa Gayle is avid PB lover too), Miles located the familiar Peter Pan jar in their cabinet, requested an immediate serving and well, the rest is history. We're currently on a Jif (and what kind of name is 'Jif' anyway?) run due to the Peter Pan recall - gawh! - but are eagerly awaiting PP's return to a store near us.

Prefer to do it myself these days, thank you very much.

I'm certain there's a perfectly good smear at the bottom, if only
Another satisfied customer.

I include this picture merely to prove a point: that my unpedicured right foot (okay, pedicured at some point in history, as evidenced by the Britney Spears-style 'some is better than none' [ick] polish left behind) has a mind of its own. I was not TRYING to take this picture, trust me. If I had pretty feet, I'd be trying to make money off them; no, the camera slipped in my hands while taking pics of Peanut Butter Miles and lo and behold, this is what I got, I kid you not -- SCARY.
Particularly scary if the PB story was making you hungry.

BABY NORA VISITS...Miles sleeps.

Drat! Such great intentions! Scott and Tracy (Scott married Craig and I) in town with Baby Nora; we'll all get together and Miles and Nora can meet, and won't that be cute, and oh, and well, humph. Naps will fall where they will, particularly when illness is about to come a-callin', as was the case for Miles last Saturday. So, while Miles snoozed at home w/ Dad, Mom slipped out and had lunch with Scott, Tracy, Baby Nora, and friends. Speaking of, Tracy, where are you?! Oh my! Please don't tell me that I ran off without pictures of Baby Nora with her mother?!! I ran off without pictures of Baby Nora with her mother...please forgive. Well, ya looked wonderful and happy and I promise I'll make it up to you : )

Happy dad and Nora.

Ohmuhgoodness, those cheeks!

Bottom line: cute, cute cute!
Scott and Tracy: thanks so much for including us in your visit.

Miles so wishes he had been there instead of at home, asleep, awaiting the arrival of the Ghosts of Rotavirus Present and Ear Infection Future : (


On the way home from a concert (what in tarnation is that?!), Aunt Kristin and Co. made a special trip our way. I'm not sure Miles had been exposed to this much unadulterated teen glee as cousins Sage, Blake, and friends descended, but he seemed thrilled! We loved seeing everyone - thanks so much Kristin, for the visit : )
Cousins Sage and Blake.
What cuties! These girls are beautiful and smart and sweet!

Miles smiles for Aunt Kristin.

I've had several requests from friends for more pics of the house and I've been holding out, waiting to take pictures of things in order and I realized, you know, this IS our house; it's not always tidy, it's not always completely presentable, but I like to think it IS Miles-friendly : ) Our living room is a bit small, as in, we had to put a section of the section-al in a bedroom, but it is fanfreakingtastic to be out of townhouse-hell-on-earth, so we truly can't complain.

Grab a toy, the newspaper, or a Puffs Plus and stay awhile.

Laurie Berkner on the tube and The Wiggles on guitar.

The kitchen counter provides a whole new perspective.


I LOVE this picture because it begs the question, "Who DOES this child look like?!?!" It seems that almost every picture we take of Miles reveals a hint or shadow of someone or everyone on both sides of our families! It's an amazing process to see this little boy unfold. We could eat ya with a spoon, kid!

The highly-coveted 'Julius' tee.

Jeff/Andrew Dale in the HOUse!

Jeff/Andrew Dale cont.
Phone, at the ready.

Miles on the run.