Drat! Such great intentions! Scott and Tracy (Scott married Craig and I) in town with Baby Nora; we'll all get together and Miles and Nora can meet, and won't that be cute, and oh, and well, humph. Naps will fall where they will, particularly when illness is about to come a-callin', as was the case for Miles last Saturday. So, while Miles snoozed at home w/ Dad, Mom slipped out and had lunch with Scott, Tracy, Baby Nora, and friends. Speaking of, Tracy, where are you?! Oh my! Please don't tell me that I ran off without pictures of Baby Nora with her mother?!! I ran off without pictures of Baby Nora with her mother...please forgive. Well, ya looked wonderful and happy and I promise I'll make it up to you : )
Happy dad and Nora.
Ohmuhgoodness, those cheeks!
Bottom line: cute, cute cute!
Scott and Tracy: thanks so much for including us in your visit.
Miles so wishes he had been there instead of at home, asleep, awaiting the arrival of the Ghosts of Rotavirus Present and Ear Infection Future : (