It's astonishing to me how quickly our little monkey is changing into someone not so little any more. I'm not sure what I thought 19 mos. looked like but I am pretty sure it's not this! To me, Miles looks at least 2, and the fact that he's already half the length of me, hardly makes sense! Come back baby, come back! Aside from growing too quickly for his parents, Miles is doing just swell. He is one Chatty Cathy I might add. He talked to me for a good five minutes last night about the predicament created by the torn cover on his Goodnight Moon board book. I seem to recall in an earlier phase, when intact books had virtually little meaning, Miles got hold of a slightly torn corner and let 'er rip, thereby taking half the back cover with the corner. Certainly didn't seem to be a problem then, but last night he chattered (I didn't understand a word mind you, but nonetheless) with great interest and concern about the fate of his book. I tried to reassure him that the cover didn't much affect the story, but he didn't seem convinced. Speaking of chatty, Miles has had some, renditions, if you will, of words you might recognize. For instance:
Word as you know it: Oops!
Word according to Miles: Oats!
Word as you know it: Momma
Word according to Miles: Dada
Words as you know them: I got ya! (Laurie Berkner DVD)
Words according to Miles: I gahya! (pretty good, huh?)
Words as you know them: Oh, man!
Words according to Miles: Oh, maaaah!
He's definitely getting there : ) Yesterday, he sat down on the stairs next to me, turned up his left palm and shrugged his shoulders as if to say, "here we are, just two kids, sittin' on the stairs." Pretty darned cute.

Thank you Grandpa Charles for the EJ shirt - we wear it quite a lot.

Will you excuse me while I take this call?

Have your people call my people, then we'll talk.
Are You Ticklish?